TabTrader Bitcoin Trading


 Bitcoin Trading


The description of TabTrader

TabTrader is a free Bitcoin (beta-token or cryptocurrency) trading platform to exchange Coinbase, Coinbase, Bitstamp, ANXPRO, HitBtc, BTC-E, BTCChina, Huobi, Kraken, ItBit, Bitbay, Cryptsy, Bter, Bitfinex, Clevercoin, Bitmarket, Gateway QUOINE, Bittrex, BL3P (Bitonic), Poloniex, Bitcurex, EXMO, CEX.IO, Vaultoro, Mercado Bitcoin (Brazil), Gemini, Binance, Kucoin, Cryptopia, Bitsane, Indodax, Cryptoni, Bittrex.
Various cryptocurrency trades: bitcoin (BTC), Litecoin (LTC), gigcoin (doji), (XRP), Namecoin (NMC), (STR), Etherium (ETH), lesc (LSK) and others. It contains quick price charts with technical indicators, you can trade directly from them. It includes a management tool, price notifications, news from Reddit, Coindesk, Bitcoin Magazine 

completely FREE.
★ Buy or sell bitcoin
★ Price alerts do not consume the battery.
★ Any number of alerts.
★ No trading limits on any cryptocurrency.
★ No ads.
★ Whom the use of the application consumes 3MB per month.
★ No. protection.
★ Encryption keys exchange API.
★ Profit from free trading
★ Technical indicators: Bollinger bands, stochastic, fibonacci, MACD, moving average, RSI
★ Bitcoin charts: Japanese candles, price lines, bars

, trades and leverage 500 cryptocurrency:
1 Bitcoin BTC (95% of all traded value Cryptocurrency
Ethereum ETH (very promising cryptocurrency with smart contractual features)
3 Litecoin LTC (famous cryptocurrency)
4 Ripple XRP
5 The DAO DAO (famous cryptocurrency)
6 Dash DASH
7 Lisk LSK (see this)
8 Dogecoin DOGE (Krepettokransa fun)