

The description of LinkedIn

LinkedIn makes it easy to communicate with others and find the things that matter to you in your working life. Build and grow your professional network, stay informed about the latest news in your field, and find the job of your dreams.

It all starts with a LinkedIn profile. It's more than a professional CV - Your LinkedIn profile introduces you to the professional world and showcases your career accomplishments. But this is just the beginning:
• Find people, jobs, companies and groups
• Get updates from others, publishers and companies that help you succeed in your career
• Show off your skills with a professional profile and build a professional brand
• Update your professional profile anytime and anywhere Makan
• Grow your professional network and stay in touch with the people who matter to you
• Connect with others and view their personal files
• Share articles to build your professional reputation based on your ideas
• Follow companies to view job postings, field updates, and get suggestions to communicate with people you may know
• You can upgrade your account to LinkedIn Premium from within the app